What are Power Snippets?
Power Snippets are summary lists (one or two pages) of key points made during various presentations by Neal Whitten. These presentations might have been at conferences, seminars, workshops, special events, luncheons, or dinners. Power Snippets are commonly distributed at these presentations and are “ideas to help you become more successful.” Some of the Power Snippets are posted here. We are told by many of the participants that the Power Snippets are handy as motivational reminders that can be posted in work places or at appropriate locations at home. You are free to print these pages and post or copy them with the understanding that the copies not be for-sale. I trust you will find these Power Snippets to be of benefit to you …and also the people that surround your professional and personal lives.
No-Nonsense Behaviors that Lead to Exceptional Performance
Success does not just happen – it is made to happen. Success is born of behaviors and choices that lead to exceptional performance. Neal reveals important leading edge, best-practice, results-oriented behaviors that will promote your professional and personal success. As you strive to achieve your dreams, these behaviors can lay the foundation for your journey. PDF Download of Power Snippets
What Makes a Team Member Valuable
Listed here are key behaviors and actions that every leader would like to see in each of their project members. If you want a high performing dream team then these attributes are essential. PDF Download
Leadership Tips for Promoting Project Success
These tips can offer pause for thought and help promote job performance effectiveness. Adopting one can benefit your project; adopting many can benefit your career. PDF Download
10 Job Expectations of a Senior Project Manager
A senior project manager (as compared to a project manager) is not defined simply by the number of projects he/she runs or a project’s size and complexity, but by a number of additional actions/traits. Here is a starter list of 10 expectations I have for senior PMs that I don’t have for those who are less experienced. Whether you hope to become a senior PM or already are one, how do you stack up against these expectations? PDF Download
Behaviors to Master When Dealing with Your Leaders
Your leaders want you to know—need you to know—the behaviors they consistently expect from you …and what you should expect from those under your direction. Adopting this list can enhance your image, effectiveness, and career—while making your leaders’ jobs easier. PDF Download
Are You Too Soft?
You don’t have to be rude, insensitive, arrogant, or a bully to avoid being too soft. None of these attributes is acceptable—ever! Listed here are examples of project manager actions (or inactions) that are indicative of too-soft behavior. Do you recognize familiar behavior here? PDF Download
Escalation Tenets
When two parties cannot agree on the resolution of an issue then that issue must be raised to higher levels of leadership to ensure a timely and effective resolution. This is called an “escalation.” Done right, escalations are a healthy and important business tool in any organization. Listed here are basic tenets to understanding and implementing effective escalation practices. PDF Download
Reality Check
There are tell-tale signs of a strong leader–as well as a weak one. As disheartening as it might be to admit, weak leadership is far more pervasive than strong leadership. To get at the weak spot, it helps to examine the common myths about what it takes to be an effective leader. PDF Download
10 Best Practices to Promote the Advancement of Project Management in Your Organization
If you want your organization to become the best in its industry, adopting these 10 powerful best practices will set you on your journey. Being the best is not an accident. PDF Download
Leading with Your Thoughts
Make sure that each day begins with an empowered mindset. Check your readiness to satisfactorily take on each day’s adventures with the following T/F statements. PDF Download
Winning Workplace Behaviors
These behaviors can improve your performance and value to your organization. PDF Download
Philosophies to Guide You
As you strive to achieve your life balance, these behaviors can lay the foundation for your journey. PDF Download
Thinking As an Indispensable Employee
Is there truly such a person—the indispensable employee? No. But there are choices you can make and behaviors you can adopt to become a more valuable and productive employee. This list identifies many of these behaviors and actions that significantly can help you become the employee you most want to be—and the employee companies need to survive. PDF Download
Eight Dumb Project Management Beliefs
There is much more to learn within the project management profession than meets the eye of the casual practitioner/observer. This list discloses eight commonly held beliefs that are thought to be true, but are all false. PDF Download
Thinking for Yourself
An important lesson to learn on projects and within organizations—even in life—is to think for yourself, to challenge tradition, authority and the status quo professionally and maturely and routinely question your own behaviors and actions. Listed here are examples of NOT thinking for yourself. PDF Download
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