The following companies (both private sector and public institutions/organizations) represent a partial list of the many clients that have directly received services from The Neal Whitten Group in the form of training, consulting, speaking or mentoring. This list does not include the many hundreds of companies that have had their employees attend public courses, workshops, seminars, and presentations offered by The Neal Whitten Group.
Accenture; ADP; Aflac; Afni; Alltel; Alpine Electronics; American Electric Power; American Industrial Hygiene Assoc.; Amway Corporation; Anthem BCBS; Apex Systems; Assoc. of Briefing Program Mgrs.; Assurant; AT&T; Auburn University;; Baxter International; Bayer; Bell Canada; Bell South; Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC; Boston University; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Carthage University; Cascade; Chemical Abstracts Service; Chico’s FAS; CMP Media LLC; Computing Devices Canada, Ltd; Cooper Nuclear Station; Dell; U.S. Department of Energy; Diversified Bus. Comm. Canada; EUR Datacenter; ExactTarget; EzGov; Fidelity Investments; Fidelity Nat’l. Information Solutions; First Energy Corp; Fluke Corporation; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Rsrch. Ctr.; GE Healthcare; GenVec; Halliburton Energy Services; Hallmark; Hewlet-Packard; Hilton; Hitachi Computer Products; Humana; IBM; IIR Exhibitions; Imark Communications; ITDS; Internet Security; Systems; John Deere; Johnsonville Sausage; Kaiser Permanente; Karna; Koch Industries; Kohler; LBMS; Liberty Mutual; Litton; Lockheed Martin; Man Diesel & Turbo; Masco Cabinetry; Micron Electronics; Microsoft; National Grange Mutual; Noresco; Omnicell; Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan; Outerwall; Penta Technologies; Phoenix Interactive; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Project Management Institute; Prudential; Purdue University; SAP; SaskPower; Sema Group Telecoms; Skyline Network Engineering; Society for Technical Comm.; Southern Company; Spar Aerospace Ltd; Sprint-Nextel; Sungard; Sybase; TeleCorp PCS, Inc.; Tennessee Valley Authority; The Schwan Food Company; The Thomson Corporation; Unisys; United Space Alliance; United States Postal Service; University of Illinois, Champaign; USAA; Wash. State Dept. of Personnel; WebMD; Wellpoint; World Minerals.