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Finally, a FREE self-assessment Questionnaire to test your proficiency in Power Skills. To Neal’s knowledge, this is the first FREE comprehensive Power Skills self-assessment Questionnaire available anywhere.
Neal has identified 24 foundational Power Skills that he believes are essential if you want to promote accountability and perform at your best in the workplace. The Power Skills are reflected in the self-assessment Questionnaire. If you would like to be introduced to them before taking the Questionnaire, then skip down three paragraphs. You can return to the next paragraph to take the Questionnaire when you are ready.
There are 67 questions with multiple choice responses that make up the Power Skills Proficiency Self-Assessment Questionnaire. The time required to take the Questionnaire is about 5 minutes. After taking the Questionnaire, you will be presented your assessment score and briefly explained what that score might mean for you.
This Questionnaire is FREE and totally anonymous. No strings attached! There are no hoops to jump through. Nothing to sign up for. Your name and email address are not recorded.
When you are ready to take the Power Skills Proficiency Self-Assessment Questionnaire, click Questionnaire and select Enable Editing at the top of the Excel screen. (Note: This version is for desktops only. We are working on a version for all devices.) Optionally type your name and date. Then click “Go To Questionnaire” to begin responding to the questions. Simply click on the yellow answer box, then click its down arrow, and select your response. Do this for each question.
24 Power Skills and a Brief Description of Each
You can access a free PDF copy of these 24 foundational Power Skills by clicking Power Snippets.
Be Your Own Bold Self
- Break the rules occasionally. Oftentimes, you will find that following conventional rules will not effectively or efficiently solve an issue.
- Never avoid necessary confrontation. Always give problems the sense of urgency and importance they deserve.
- Routinely practice boldness and courage to be a consistently effective leader. Your behavior drives your success.
- Think for yourself. Challenge tradition, authority, and the status quo in a professional and mature manner. Routinely question your own behaviors and actions.
- Do not allow what others think about you to be more important than what you think about yourself. Listen for helpful snippets but remain in control of you.
Take Care of Current Business
- Manage daily to your top three priorities. They define your value and contributions and, ultimately, your career.
- Mind your own business first. Behave as if you own the business and your business is defined by your domain of responsibility.
- Live in your present moments. Don’t dwell on yesterday. Admit mistakes, learn from them, apply those lessons going forward… and move on. And don’t worry about the future. Plan for it but live fully in the now.
- Don’t make it personal or take it personally. It’s all about what’s best for business.
- Embrace integrity in all that you do. Listen to your inner voice and treat it as the wise and trusted friend it is.
Be a Role Model by Your Leadership
- Think like a leader. It’s not about the ability of those around you to lead; it’s about your ability to lead, regardless of what is happening around you.
- Treat others as you would like to be treated. You will be remembered and revered for how you made others feel.
- Trust but verify; Inspect what you expect. Strive to build trust among project stakeholders, but insist on metrics, checks and balances, and other tools to ensure outcomes are being met.
- Understand and practice empowerment. Understand your job, take ownership of it, and do whatever is necessary — within legal and ethical parameters — to accomplish it.
- Treat all project members equally. All project members, regardless of where they come from or to whom they report, must be held accountable for their commitments.
- Promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Benefits include employees are more engaged, feel more appreciated and respected, and their commitment, trust, and morale increase. However, DEI must be implemented fairly and justly.
Use Constructive Interactions to Improve
- Seek out a mentor. We can learn far more and far faster when we can draw strength from those who have gone before us.
- Evaluate yourself daily. As professionals, self-assessments of our actions are essential for our continued growth, professional maturity, and effectiveness.
- Promote mutual relationships. When your relationships are viewed as strong, more can get done in less time, with less stress, with greater productivity, and you probably like your job more.
- Treat your customer as if it matters… as if the future of your company and your employment rests upon your ability to satisfy your customer on the transaction being performed right now.
Be Your Best Whole Person
- Be a champion for work-life balance. Almost everyone wishes they had realized the importance of work-life balance sooner rather than later. Doing so can mean less regrets and a more deliberate life. But whatever your age, you can still seize control and drive towards the balance you most desire.
- Have fun in your work. Finding fun in your job is important at so many levels from benefiting your productivity, increasing motivation, reducing stress, making your day go faster, and boosting your career enjoyment.
- Decide who you choose to be. You are being exposed to important Power Skills that can change your career and your life. You can cherry pick the Power Skills you choose to embrace or go all out and seriously consider them all when their use can make a difference.
- Be a good actor. Continuously work at being the person you choose to be. You first identify a Power Skill to adopt. Then you act on that thought to replace an old behavior with the more desirable behavior.
Power Skills Seminar
The 24 Foundational Power Skills are introduced and described in a 4-hour seminar called Power Skills that Lead to Exceptional Performance that is available either online or onsite. There is a 7-hour version which additionally introduces Power Skills for building teams and Power Skills needed for effectively interacting with your leaders. Click Seminar to view information on the Power Skills seminars.
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