For you to be on this landing page, you have likely attended a Neal Whitten track session or workshop at a ProjectWorld/BusinessAnalystWorld® or ProjectSummit/BusinessAnalystWorld® conference in Canada or the United States. Thank you for attending my event.
This page contains the slides and other takeaways from the event you attended. You are free to download these PDF files and use them to real-time track Neal’s presentations or use them as reference after the conference. You are free to print this information and make multiple copies as long as you acknowledge the copyright, author, and do not make them available for sale.
Track Sessions (1 hour each)
Creating Client Satisfaction Surveys for Projects (PDF file)
Client Satisfaction Surveys are not commonly utilized on most projects and are a missed opportunity. This presentation demystifies Client Satisfaction Surveys and shows you how to create and implement surveys. As a project manager, if you do not routinely survey your clients for feedback, then you cannot really know what they think about your performance, the project’s progress and whether or not you are meeting their expectations.
Learning Objectives
• Identifying the steps in creating and administrating a client satisfaction survey.
• Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
• Takeaway templates and a real-life sample client satisfaction survey.
Are You Too Soft? (PDF file)
Most project managers—most leaders—are not consistently willing to make the tough and unpopular project-related decisions, even though their instincts warn them that they are not taking the most effective action. Witness examples of project manager actions (or inactions) that are indicative of too-soft behavior. Will you recognize familiar behavior? Learn how to overcome being too soft and thereby becoming a more effective leader.
Learning Objectives
• Recognize “too soft” behavior.
• Avoid being “too soft”.
• Become a more effective leader.
Workshop (6 hours)
The Wonderful World of Power Skills: Achieving Exceptional Performance (PDF file)
Implementing some of these Power Skills may initially cause your palms to sweat and your heart to race. This workshop is for leaders, those who aspire to be leaders, and all employees who desire to take their performance to a higher level.
This workshop identifies the most important Power Skills to master on projects and in the workplace to promote accountability and to learn how to think and act to achieve the success you most desire. Your personal limitations at work and across your life are directly impacted by your willingness and tenacity to deliberately embrace and execute on these Power Skills.
The Power Skills discussed include manage daily to your top three priorities, break the rules occasionally, never avoid necessary confrontation, think for yourself, routinely practice boldness and courage, make decisions as if you own the business, be a good actor, and so much more.
Neal welcomes you to come along for a potentially transformative and game-changing ride in your personal pursuit of the adventure called life. Don’t be surprised if the workshop has the effect of changing your life trajectory. This stuff really works!
Learning Objectives
• Identify Power Skills that can take your performance to a higher level
• Office exercise: Questionnaire for self-assessing your mastery of the foundational Power Skills
• Office exercise: Determine your top 3 Power Skills of most importance for your focus
Kindly note: I have also included two 1-page flyers below that are related to my new book, Power Skills that Lead to Exceptional Performance. The first flyer describes the new book. The second flyer describes workshops based on the book (such as the workshop highlighted above called The Wonderful World of Power Skills: Achieving Exceptional Performance).
New book flyer: Power Skills that Lead to Exceptional Performance
Workshop flyer: The Wonderful World of Power Skills: Achieving Exceptional Performance
Thank you again for your interest.