I rarely mention my many public appearances, but there are two recent events I would like to share.
- The PMI chapters that reside across Ontario Canada recently decided to experiment with a special event they dubbed the Ontario Roadshow. I was the first person these chapters selected to test out the concept. The plan was to enlist a proven “named” speaker with multiple seminars from which to choose and have that speaker conduct a road trip across Ontario speaking to one chapter after the other near the end of March. Five chapters chose to participate and I conducted two different seminars and one evening presentation to these five chapters across 5 days. The Roadshow was a lot of fun and, based on feedback from the participants, was highly rated. This is a concept other chapters could possibly learn from. Danelle Peddell, President of the PMI South Western Ontario Chapter, demonstrated admirable leadership in working with the other nearby chapters in pulling this event together.
- I recently conducted (first week of April) one of my popular 1-day seminars for the PMI Champlain Valley Chapter in Burlington, VT. The chapter has about 250 members but there was a record-breaking165 attendees for the all-day seminar. Hats off to Allan Cruz, the chapter’s President, and Michael Schmidt, Co-VP of Programs, for leading this successful event. I was honored to have been selected to be the presenter.
See https://nealwhittengroup.com/appearances/ for the date and location of my upcoming public events.