Note: These trainings are based on my newest book: Power Skills that Lead to Exceptional Performance. These no-nonsense Power Skills workshops teach all members of a project or organization how to grow their personal value and team contribution. They are likely one of the most valuable training investments that you can bring to your organization. Bold statement? Judge for yourself! It may very well be the accountability, inspiration, and encouragement you have been looking for.
View a condensed 1-page Training Proposal about the workshops here.
View 1-page flyer about the workshops here.
This training is available in three versions: 14 hours, 7 hours, and 4 hours. They are also available as live virtual or in-person experiences. The first section below addresses the 14-hour version; afterwards are the 7-hour and 4-hour versions.
Overview: 14-Hour Version
This workshop identifies the most important Power Skills to master on projects and in the workplace to promote accountability and to learn how to think and act to achieve the success you most desire. These Power Skills have been identified and validated from years of working with thousands of project managers, managers, and team members. Your personal limitations at work and across your life are directly impacted by your willingness and tenacity to deliberately embrace and execute on these Power Skills.
But this training does far more. It describes Power Skills that, if taught and nurtured to all employees of a project, organization, or company, can result in the organization continuously, and positively evolving. Adopting these Power Skills can lead to exceptional performance both for individuals and for their organizations.
This workshop is for leaders, those who aspire to be leaders, and all employees who desire to take their performance to a higher level. The Power Skills include those that are day-to-day foundational, for team building, and for interacting with your leaders.
Power Skills include soft skills, people skills, behavioral skills, and personality traits that come into play virtually every day.
The Power Skills discussed include manage daily to your top three priorities, break the rules occasionally, never avoid necessary confrontation, think for yourself, routinely practice boldness and courage, make decisions as if you own the business, be a good actor, and so much more.
But if you choose to strive to be the best version of you, this workshop and the book from which it is derived can serve as a valuable mentor that you can return to for advice, encouragement, and inspiration for years to come.
The Power Skills include those that are day-to-day foundational, Power Skills for collaborating within your team, and Power Skills for interacting with your leaders. Power Skills give you the real power to get your job done effectively and efficiently. It places the accountability for your actions squarely on you.
The training is conducted by a leading Project Management, Professional Development, and Power Skills authority with tons of experience, 8 books, and many stories to share. Neal welcomes you to come along for a potentially transformative and game-changing ride in your personal pursuit of success.
This stuff really works!
Topics Include
Managing priorities, breaking the rules occasionally, never avoiding necessary confrontation, boldness, integrity, accountability, courage, thinking for yourself, living in your present moments, not making it personal or taking it personally, trust but verify, empowerment, communications, work-life balance, deciding who you choose to be, personal initiative, proactivity, positive attitude, continuous improvement, shared values, bringing solutions with problems, wearing one face, making your leaders look good, self-assessing your mastery of the foundational power skills, creating a Performance Improvement Plan, and so much more!
Course Length
Two days (14 hours).
PMI Talent Triangle
14 PDUs (Power Skills-14.0)
Who Should Attend?
- Leaders or those who aspire to be leaders. Examples of leaders are project managers and team leaders, managers, executives and any other leadership positions in a company, institution, or government. This also includes independent entrepreneurs.
- All employees who desire to take their performance to a higher level. The Power Skills presented can benefit all employees in becoming more productive, accountable, and valuable contributors to their organizations and companies.
Only an open mind and a desire to become a more productive and effective leader and team member.
Your Seminar Experience Will Cover
- Identifying 24 foundational Power Skills to embrace every workday
- Identifying 15 Power Skills that serve as shared values for a team
- Identifying 17 Power Skills to demonstrate while interacting with your leaders
- Attendees’ testimonials where their bold personal initiatives made a difference
- Exercise: Questionnaire for self-assessing your mastery of the foundational Power Skills
- Exercise: Determining the top 3 Power Skills of importance to you
- Exercise: Developing your personalized Performance Improvement Plan
- Receiving many handy 1-page takeaways that you can reference back in the office
Class Size
Although a group size of 20-30 attendees is optimal for more in-depth discussions, the workshop can also accommodate larger audiences.
7-Hour Version
This version represents 7 PDUs (Power Skills-7.0) and includes:
- Identifying 24 foundational Power Skills to embrace every workday
- Attendees’ testimonials where their bold personal initiatives made a difference
- Exercise: Questionnaire for self-assessing your mastery of the foundational Power Skills
- Exercise: Determining the top 3 Power Skills of importance to you
- Exercise: Developing your personalized Performance Improvement Plan
- Receiving handy takeaways that you can reference back in the office
4-Hour Version
This version represents 4 PDUs (Power Skills-4.0) and includes:
- Identifying 24 foundational Power Skills to embrace every workday
- Exercise: Questionnaire for self-assessing your mastery of the foundational Power Skills
- Receiving handy takeaways that you can reference back in the office